Wednesday, May 25, 2011

June 2010

Train Ride back from Moldova

Back in Ukraine


Me with a mullet

This explains itself

Guy with shirt flipped up

Flipped up shirt #2

Money Garage

Green Pond

Drunk (notice the Vodka)

Orthodox Church

Bogdon Khmelnitskiy Statue

Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Freedom Square)

double chin

Advertisement underground at the metro

Yulia's Baptism- Elder Rindlisbacher, Hatch, Nuttall, Hadley, Yulia, Me, Monson, Western, and Schnell

Valera, Hadley, Yulia, Me, Will, Tonya (Borispol Youth)

Borispol Branch

Happy 1-year mark

Double Stuf Night

Elder Pulliam and his 5 big macs with 2 liters of coke

Orthodox Church in Borispol

St. George Shirt kid

Sunrise in Cherkassy

Temple during Open House

Elders Hadley and Bangerter

Me and Sasha from Bila

Me, Parker, Sasha, and Gines


Elder Milne, Guy, Elder Amanullah, Lady, Me, Hadley, Zhanna, and Tonya

Elder Cluff, Will, Zhanna, Valera, Hadley, Me, Tonya, Yulia

Start of Bulgaria trip for visa renewal

Elder Wheiler, Fred and me

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